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We're just full of surprises this week:
• Friday, Saturday & Sunday at our Overland Park or Paola location take 20% off ONE regular priced home décor item (not including paint, paint products, artisan pieces or vendor booth merchandise) One per customer, valid sale dates July 11-13, 2014
• The newest craze in furniture has arrived - Gel Stains - in five yummy colors
• Next week - painterly goodies from Modern Masters are on the way now. Patinas, Rust Activator AND Metallic Paint!
Are you sending a college student off to a dorm room or apartment in a few weeks? We have the perfect solution for assisting with fun yet budget-oriented decorating in their dorm room or apartment: paint some yard sale, attic or discount furniture and accessory pieces with Chalk Paint® by Annie Sloan. It sticks to most everything, plus it comes in the coolest of artsy collegiate colors.