• Rockin' The West Bottoms, Plus Annie Sloan Brushes & Fragrances Are Here!

    See you this weekend at The Painted Sofa in the West Bottoms for the best shopping in town!

    We've maxed out our shop with new painted furniture, artful Fourth of July décor and treasures galore.

    Friday 9-8  • Saturday 9-6  •  Sunday 11-4

    Several exciting new products have arrived this week!

    Annie Sloan's new Fragrance Collection, her two flat brushes for painting smooth finishes, and Efex™ flexible decorative furniture moldings.

    PLUS, more Dash & Albert rugs are here. They are the perfect companions for Chalk Paint® by Annie Sloan and
    Miss Mustard Seed Milk Paint colors!

    With all of this to get your creative juices flowing, it's probably time to sign up for a Bella B Décor workshop.

    Here is the new schedule:

    CHALK PAINT® 101 - The Basics  $95 
    Thursday JUNE 12 10am to 12:30pm (Painted Sofa)
    Saturday JUNE 14, 9am to 11:30am
    Thursday JUNE 19, 9am to 11:30pm (OP)
    Tuesday JUNE 21, 5:30pm to 8pm (OP)

    Tuesday JUNE 10, 5:30 to 6:30 (OP)

    Thursday JUNE 12, 9am to 10:30 (OP)

    Thursday JUNE 26, 9am to Noon (OP

    (All workshops listed are at Overland Park - 7733 W. 151st Street, Overland Park, KS
    or at the Painted Sofa - 1321 W 13th St, Kansas City, MO 64102
    Sign up today. Our seats fill up quickly! Call 913-814-0300 or email lynn@bellabdecor.com
    Fee is non-refundable.)

    See you soon!


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